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Barra laterale

Dealer and Authorized Service Center:

Guaranteed used tractors

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News from Sole24Ore


via Emilia Est, 74 - 47039 Savignano sul Rubicone (FC)

Phone +39.0541 946.597 - Fax +39.0541 807.189

email: PEC:

Contact us

For further information do not hesitate to contact us via phone, fax, e-mail

Visit us

We would welcome you to come visit us, to show and test our agricultural machinery, see us at work in the shop or just have a conversation between friends.

Where we are

From A14 Highway:

  • if you come from South exit at Rimini Nord
  • if you come from North exit at Valle del Rubicone

Once you are out follow the directions “via Emilia SS9” towards Savignano sul Rubicone. We are along via Emilia between S.Arcangelo di Romagna and Savignano sul Rubicone.

click on the map

en/contatti.txt · Ultima modifica: 2019/04/25 20:19 da gabriele23

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